Civic Saturday in the Triangle
A post-election gathering to build bonds, build social trust, and discuss how can improve our civic life starting locally. Food, music, speakers.
Civic Saturdays bring friends and strangers together to connect around the values and practices of being an active citizen.
This Civic Saturday will bring people together after the election to reflect, renew, and discuss how we can improve our civic life locally, and nationally.
There will be food, speakers, and table conversations. America's Future-Southeast, Braver Angels, Civic Saturdays, the Listen First Project, the Institute for Emerging Issues at NCSU, and the NC Institute of Political Leadership are sponsors.
The event will run from 10 AM - 1 PM on November 16th. RSVP here
Date & Time
November 16, 2024
10:00AM - 1:00PM
More Info
Causes & Activism Community Civic Raleigh, West Raleigh, Midtown Raleigh, Downtown Apex, Greater Area Durham, Downtown Raleigh, East Cary, Downtown Cary, Greater Area