About Us
Triangle Downtowner Magazine is a locally-owned and operated monthly magazine founded in 2005 by brothers Randall and Crash Gregg, and Wake County Commissioner Sig Hutchinson. The Downtowner focuses on the Triangle area of North Carolina and the cities and towns within. We feature articles on dining,
entertainment, local business, events,
music, fashion, wine, arts and culture, local authors, history, food trucks, and
much more. Our readers live and work all around the Triangle. The magazine reaches over 145,000 readers every
month with our print and online media as well as our online news blog keeping you informed on events and news that occur between our monthly print magazines. Our content is always positive in nature and does not include polarizing topics such as politics or religion.
We're looking for contributing writers and photographers as well as volunteers to help us promote all the great downtown areas in the Triangle. If you're interested, please drop us a line.
We're looking for contributing writers and photographers as well as volunteers to help us promote all the great downtown areas in the Triangle. If you're interested, please drop us a line.